Earth Farm
Splitting a Share with Someone
In the scope of our business we take pride in providing a program that offers our customers a variety of healthy, locally grown produce for a reasonable cost. The input costs for organic farming are high but there are options for offsetting these costs. Taking on the responsibility to break down and disperse a share among multiple households will help us to keep the economic value of our program sustainable and sensible for all. We're trying to educate and demonstrate to our customers the true value of buying in more of a bulk fashion. The idea is if our share size is too much for your individual family take the initiative to partner with someone in your local community in order to split the share. When we receive two candidates for a potential match we'll send you one another's contact information. The rest of the accord (sign-up, payment, how to divide up the produce, etc.) will be left up to the individuals involved. The farm does not ever split shares up for members so the partnership needs to agree on one pick-up location. We encourage members to split up the produce at a place other than the CSA pick up location. We absolutely do not want a half-emptied box to be accidentally taken by the wrong person. If you must leave you partner's portion of the share at the CSA site we require that the box be moved away from all the other shares and very clearly labeled. Please, no Post-It notes that blow away & are too hard to notice and no writing on the farm boxes themselves. **Please note that while we have had success partnering two complete strangers up it is not always a perfect match. Understand that not every share will be simple to divide exactly in half. Sometimes dividing things up feels more comfortable when among friends or family. We encourage folks to go out on a limb, meet someone new and work together throughout the CSA season in order that both parties are pleased. However, we want to be sure all involved understand that a little more effort, patience and understanding may be needed when co-operating with someone you've recently met.** We may or may not find another family looking to partner up on a share within your neighborhood. If you don't hear back from us in regards to this matter it simply means there isn't anyone else on the list looking for the same pick-up location. We encourage you to seek out a partner on your own as well as putting the word out to us here. If you're interested in finding someone to split a share with click on our email link below and submit the following information to us:
Name: Email address: Preferred Pick-up location (see "Pick-up locations" page) Submit the above information by clicking on this link to our email: rareearthfarm@frontier.com
“Split a share with someone this summer and discover the power of friendships through food."
Rare Earth Farm
6806 Hwy KW |
Phone/Fax 262-285-7070
email: rareearthfarm@gmail.com